


1. 一起把Grade 4-5的樂理書中的練習全部做完,每次完成一個課題,並且對答案
2. 一起討論弟兄姊妹提出不明白的地方
3. 到將近考試時,一起做past paper
4. 每個星期或每2個星期聚集一次

如果有興趣的詩班員,請留個言,或者可以send email給我,又可以跟我講一聲!如果人數不是太少的話,就付諸實行啦!~

大家一起為6月的考試努力!! ^__^

[現在連我在內有9位肢體已報名: 阿嗡, Van, CKan, Jenny, YY, Tommy, 阿歡, Sappho, 慕容]

邀請大家踴躍參與,樂理底子好的就來幫助其他人,對樂理沒信心的話就一起來吧!! 不分等級的~

9 則留言:

匿名 說...

I'm willing to join, reserve a seat, pls, haha ^_^

匿名 說...

Good idea, support you!!

匿名 說...


YY 說...

我都想參加呀..!!!報名報名!!! ^,^

Emily 說...

Also you can practice more at www.musictheory.net

It has lessons and exercises. You can do a little bit everyday during lunch break, it can help a lot.

Do ask me if you have questions ar!!

LY 說...

thx Emily!~ 我會好好利用網址上面o既資料架喇!! 同埋會儲埋d問題一次過問你 ^__^

Belle Tam 說...


Ming 說...

Dear Emily

Thanks so much for introducing the website to us so that we can study.

I always feel guilty that I don’t pay good attention to the lessons for I need to take care of my children. My musical knowledge is so low and am shame to ask when I have questions since that may be a very silly question! I wish I can make good use of this website and improve my knowledge!

metamartyr 說...

Count me in.